Book Cliffs
The Book Cliffs is a part of the East Tavaputs Plateau that begins near Green River, Utah and extends eastward into Colorado. The last few state record bulls have come out of the book cliffs.
The area begins about 50 air miles south of Vernal, Utah and extends south to the Book Cliffs divide. Towards the east is the Colorado/Utah state line. The Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation is on the west side of the Book Cliffs. Both southern Uintah County and northern Grand County are included.
Landscape and Elevation
This unique area contains widely diverse landscapes. The area begins in the northern desert shrub zone at about 5,500 feet and rises southward to nearly 8,500 feet into the aspen and fir zones. The area between consists of broad sagebrush and pinion/juniper vistas broken by deep valleys, some containing perennial streams.
Land Ownership
Approximately 70% of the area is administered by the BLM, 25% by the School and Institutional Trust Land Administration (SITLA), and 5% is private.
Elk, Deer and Other Native Wildlife are Abundant
Wildlife species in the area include mule deer, Rocky Mountain elk, antelope, mountain lion, black bear, waterfowl, shorebirds, blue and sage grouse, golden eagle, numerous hawks and owls, as well as many species of small mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles. On occasion, moose, bison and Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep may be observed.
Endangered or Sensitive Species Use the Area
Wintering populations of bald eagle, ferruginous hawk, and peregrine falcon use the area.
Habitat Exists for Other Endangered or Sensitive Species
Colorado River cutthroat trout were native to the area. Habitat exists for the Mexican spotted owl.