28 July Wildflowers are in bloom by George McQuiston General Information 0 0 Comment 1962 One of my favorite parts of this job, is seeing the wildflowers in bloom. I think there is almost nothing more beautiful than mountain wildflowers in bloom in the high country. This year I was told about a flower I had been riding past for year’s. It is called an elephants head. I was sure that the person telling me, Julie, was pulling my leg as I have been known to “pull a leg” or two, but when I queried almost everyone around and almost unanimously they had all heard of it and then she showed me the flower, I was amazed. I have set it as a goal to take as many pics as possible of wildflowers and get there pics with names on our site. See below the ones I have gotten so far. Note apparently I will need a different camera to go much further with the project, but I think you can at least get an idea of the colors. Any help in naming the flowers would be greatly appreciated. Elephants head flower grows in high elevation meadows. General Information Share Showing 0 Comment Comments are closed.